Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
1) The assignment that was the most fun was blog post #11. It was fun because we got to do a dialogue in which we controlled what we wanted to say between the two people we picked. The dialogue helped us learn what women talk about when it comes to guys at clubs. We did this dialogue based on the article "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Perfomance of Masculinity as a Collective Activity" by D. Grazian, he talks about how the guys go in clubs and help each other out to get girls. I did my dialogue through women's perspective and it showed me what women think about men when they go to clubs. I also liked the debate and I believe the winning team should get the points because even though only a few people talked the rest of them did contribute.
2) There weren't any assignments that I didn't care for, but I didn't complete them.
3) Blogger was very useful. I felt as if we were trying something new for once. It helped me realize that blogs can be used for many purposes and even for education. At first, I thought that Blogger was going to be difficult but as time went by it got easier and easier. I really liked Blogger and would definitely try using it for another class.
4) We covered all of the topics about masculinity, so theres not anything that we left.
2) There weren't any assignments that I didn't care for, but I didn't complete them.
3) Blogger was very useful. I felt as if we were trying something new for once. It helped me realize that blogs can be used for many purposes and even for education. At first, I thought that Blogger was going to be difficult but as time went by it got easier and easier. I really liked Blogger and would definitely try using it for another class.
4) We covered all of the topics about masculinity, so theres not anything that we left.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Blog Post #12
The movie Hangover and the article “The Girl hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as a Collective Activity” by Gazian, show men’s masculinity in relationships they have with other men. In the movie the hangover, there are four friends (Phil, Stu, Alan, and Doug) who go to Las Vegas for their friend Doug’s bachelor party. They experience many things and the bond they have is really strong. Phil, who is married, a husband and a father is kind of the leader of the group. Stu is a dentist who marries a stripper. Doug is the groom that gets lost and their friends are going insane just to find him. Alan is Doug’s brother-in-law and is kind of weird. The relationship they with each other is really strong and makes it even more stronger towards the end of the movie. These men help each other out and show bromance. Like Grazian says on page 328 that the guys help each other out with girls. They get girls at a nightclub and they introduce them to their friends, so no one feels left out. In the movie, the guys seem to do this. At the end of the movie they find a camera that show pictures of them at a strip club, where each one of them did have a girl. In the article Grazian he talks about Gregory and he says “While getting dressed among friends in preparation for a trip to a local strip club, Gregory, a twenty-year-old white sophomore, reports on the banter: “We should all dress rich and stuff so we can get us some hookers!” (326). In the movie the Hangover, in the beginning the guys are ready to go out and party and Phil tells all of them to get dressed. All of them are dressed in professional suits except for Alan who is dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Phil think that dressing is important and is a way to show their masculinity. This movie and the article talk about bromance and the relationships men have with their friends and other men.
Grazian, David. "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as a Collective Activity". Men's Lives. 5th ed. Michael S. Kimmel, Michael A. Messner Eds. New York: Allyn & Bacon,2001. 320-337. Print.
The Hangover. Dir. Tod Phillips. Perf. Bradley Cooper and Zach Galifianakis. Legendary, 2009. DVD.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Blog Post #11
Me: Hey
Sally: Hey Harlin! I gotta tell you lots about what happened last night at the club xhale!!
Me: Oh my god! what happened?!
Sally: Sooooo...I met this guy at the club, I was wearing this red dress, and you know i was having fun with my girls, trying to have a good time.
Me: Uh-huh...
Sally: I was drinking and dancing and this really cute guy approaches me and talks to me.
Me: How did he look like?
Sally: He was muscular, sexy, and cute!
Me: Well, you shouldn't go by the looks you know.
Sally: Oh my god Harlin! Listen to me! After he approached me we started talking. He was so sweet, he was complimenting my hair, dress and eyes. After that he started talking about how he has a huge place and asked me if I wanted to go.
Me: Wait, wait, wait...did he come alone to the club and did u go to his place?!
Sally: He was with one guy I don't know, i wasn't paying attention to him and I didn't go to his huge place unfortunately.
Me: Listen Sally.
Sally: Yeah
Me: When you go to a club you don't just talk to any guy and almost agree to go his place. I mean you gotta be careful, these guys only do that so they can take advantage of you. I mean he was complimenting you so you can fall into his trap. Also he was kinda tipsy! And wait..i forgot to ask you but what type of red dress were you wearing?
Sally: A short floral dress and it was red.
Me: You see! He obviously wanted something from you! and you almost fell for it. Did you even get his name?
Sally: I don't know, it started with a R.
Me: *Shakes head* Next time you go to a club make sure your not looking slutty and don't just go for any guy you see. One more thing, looks don't matter. Just don't agree to go to any guys place if you don't know their name! That guy didnt care if your hair or eyes looked nice, he cared for something else and you gave him an extra hint by wearing that dress. Next time be careful.
Sally: Alright.
Me: No im serious!
Sally: Okay.
Sally: Hey Harlin! I gotta tell you lots about what happened last night at the club xhale!!
Me: Oh my god! what happened?!
Sally: Sooooo...I met this guy at the club, I was wearing this red dress, and you know i was having fun with my girls, trying to have a good time.
Me: Uh-huh...
Sally: I was drinking and dancing and this really cute guy approaches me and talks to me.
Me: How did he look like?
Sally: He was muscular, sexy, and cute!
Me: Well, you shouldn't go by the looks you know.
Sally: Oh my god Harlin! Listen to me! After he approached me we started talking. He was so sweet, he was complimenting my hair, dress and eyes. After that he started talking about how he has a huge place and asked me if I wanted to go.
Me: Wait, wait, wait...did he come alone to the club and did u go to his place?!
Sally: He was with one guy I don't know, i wasn't paying attention to him and I didn't go to his huge place unfortunately.
Me: Listen Sally.
Sally: Yeah
Me: When you go to a club you don't just talk to any guy and almost agree to go his place. I mean you gotta be careful, these guys only do that so they can take advantage of you. I mean he was complimenting you so you can fall into his trap. Also he was kinda tipsy! And wait..i forgot to ask you but what type of red dress were you wearing?
Sally: A short floral dress and it was red.
Me: You see! He obviously wanted something from you! and you almost fell for it. Did you even get his name?
Sally: I don't know, it started with a R.
Me: *Shakes head* Next time you go to a club make sure your not looking slutty and don't just go for any guy you see. One more thing, looks don't matter. Just don't agree to go to any guys place if you don't know their name! That guy didnt care if your hair or eyes looked nice, he cared for something else and you gave him an extra hint by wearing that dress. Next time be careful.
Sally: Alright.
Me: No im serious!
Sally: Okay.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Blog Post #9: Fathering: Paradoxes, Contradiction, and Dilemmas
The presence and absence of a male figure in a child's life effects its development throughout the years. Some people say that having a father figure in your life is very important and to some it isn't that important. If a father is present in a child's life, the father needs to fulfill all the responsibilities that is needed for the child to know their father more.In "Fathering: Paradoxes, Contradiction and Dilemma by Scott Coltrane, he says that interaction, responsibility, and availability (437) are all the things that a father needs to have with his child. According to the reading, the author says that the absence of a father or male figure can lead the girls to become pregnant when they become teens and some teens can end up doing drugs. In my point of view I believe that its not necessarily to have a father or a male figure in your life because it all depends in the society you live in. If you don't think that its necessary to have a father or male figure in your life, while the society might think it is important and they might have a effect on your mind and it might your decision.
Coltrane, Scott. "Fathering: Paradoxes, Contradiction and Dilemmas." Men's Lives.8th ed.Ed.Michael S.Kimmel And Michael A. Messner. Ed.NYC:Allyn & Bacon, 2010. 432-449. print.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Blog Post #8
Men are given more opportunities than women when it comes to jobs. Men are always given higher positions than women, women seem to stay at their place and are statisfied, while the men are complaining and always want to reach to the top. In society men are seen as masculine and they have more power, while women are seen lower than them and given less opportunities than the men.
William, L. Christine. "The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the "Female" Professions."Men's Lives. 5th edition. Michael, Messner A. Michael. 5th edition. New York. Allyn & Bacon.211-224.2001.Print.
In the article "The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the "Female" Professions" by Christine L. Williams talks about males and females and their differences in jobs. Men seem to have it easier in jobs and women. Men take the glass Escalator to the top without any differences or struggle while women have it the harder way. This source is appropriate because it has alot of useful information. Such as Williams does his own interviews and uses great examples to support his thesis.
William, L. Christine. "The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the "Female" Professions."Men's Lives. 5th edition. Michael, Messner A. Michael. 5th edition. New York. Allyn & Bacon.211-224.2001.Print.
In the article "The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the "Female" Professions" by Christine L. Williams talks about males and females and their differences in jobs. Men seem to have it easier in jobs and women. Men take the glass Escalator to the top without any differences or struggle while women have it the harder way. This source is appropriate because it has alot of useful information. Such as Williams does his own interviews and uses great examples to support his thesis.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Zinn's blog post
Zinn's reading talks about Chicano men's masculinity and how they are affected by society. In society, Chicano men are considered to be low class and tend to have less paying jobs such as construction . The environment in their jobs is hectic and their bosses treats them as lower than them and sometimes the Chicano men are yelled at or humiliated. When they come home from work they let their anger out on people lower than them such as their wifes or children. By doing this they feel more superior and masculine while the wife or the children gets all the torture.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Blog post #4: Marable
Black Males and females view themselves as a race trying to break through the injustice of typical stereotype. In the beginning of American history, black males and females were brought o America as slaves. Just because of their skin color they were considered low. The white race tortured the blacks in many ways possible. They raped the women and hurt the black males. Before the Black race didn't have any freedom at all, but now everything is changing. There is no difference between black and white people, the black males and females are achieving their goals and are treated equal as the white people. In the reading "The Black Male: Searching Beyond Stereotypes" by Manning Marable, he discusses how in the 50s,60s, 70s and the 80s it was difficult for black males to find jobs and feed their families. From there they started to do do illegal stuff such as robberies. But now the black males are rising up and having a name of their own.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Blog Post #3: "The Male Myth" by Paul Theroux
The one thing that stood out to me in "The Male Myth" by Paul Theroux was when he said that men cannot be writers. He states this because he believes that it's mostly for women because it includes alot of time, patience, imagination, and so forth. Writing is requires patience and time, and some men don't have these qualities in which they can't be writer. He also states that men prove their masculinity by Americas traditional ways, such as hunting animals or other manly things. He also says that men are interested in journalism because they like to explore and discover new things, while on the other hand writing is just sitting and using your imagination.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Blog Post #2: Response to Lorber's "Night to His Day"
In the reading "Night to His Day" talks about how society views genders. For example, she explains how she saw a well suited man with a 1 year-old child on the train. Everyone in the train were astonished and kind of happy to see a father figure. If a woman was placed in this scene, then it wouldn't get the same reactions. The surprising thing was that the child was dressed up as a "boy", but it had earnings on and pink socks and this showed some gender differences. Another example of how genderism affects society is the way the gender behaves. Behavior is the most important thing, for example if a woman acts horrible then the society with look at her in a whole different way. In Society, everyone has a different perspective of everyone and in genderism it depends on how you act, dress, and so forth. Judith Lorber also states the different genders, one example would be transvestites. Transvestites are often males who learn to act and dress like the opposite sex. My opinion is that society sees a big difference in genders even if we don't realize it.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Blog Post #1: How to Build a Man by Anne Fausto- Sterling
Living in the modern world, men are made not born. With all this futuristic technology, every thing is possible such as making a man. I believe that if a child is not borned with the right sexuality then there are a few problems that can happen. Such as if the child stays that way it could create problems in the future when the child gets married or even when it starts junior high school. From there the docters think its "correct" to change its unknown sexuality and put it in one category of the two (masculine and femine). Usually men have issues growing up if they don't feel "great" in their sexuality and that leads to alot of changes. Sure men can have it fixed, but then he is made not born. Another example is that if some young children feel they find happiness playing with dolls and doing what the opposite gender does. Some parents get concerned because they have always had a mentally that boys like cars and girls like dolls, if they do the opposite somethings wrong. So the parents decide to change that and put their child on the right track and the boy is now playing with cars and doing what the male gender does. So again, men are made not born.
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