Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog Post #1: How to Build a Man by Anne Fausto- Sterling

Living in the modern world, men are made not born. With all this futuristic technology, every thing is possible such as making a man. I believe that if a child is not borned with the right sexuality then there are a few problems that can happen. Such as if the child stays that way it could create problems in the future when the child gets married or even when it starts junior high school. From there the docters think its "correct" to change its unknown sexuality and put it in one category of the two (masculine and femine). Usually men have issues growing up if they don't feel "great" in their sexuality and that leads to alot of changes. Sure men can have it fixed, but then he is made not born. Another example is that if some young children feel they find happiness playing with dolls and doing what the opposite gender does. Some parents get concerned because they have always had a mentally that boys like cars and girls like dolls, if they do the opposite somethings wrong. So the parents decide to change that and put their child on the right track and the boy is now playing with cars and doing what the male gender does. So again, men are made not born.


  1. In your post, you emphasize the impact parents and social expectations have on men's sense of being manly. But can you clarify what you mean by 'child is not born with the right sexuality'? Do you mean sex, either male or female? Is playing with 'appropriate' toys (dolls for girls, and cars for boys) mark of sex or gender?

  2. i have a question about your second example. if a boy likes plays dolls, it doesn`t mean that later on he can`t maintain manly when he grows up.parent can correct his behavior for a while, but it can`t change what he alreay has
